InnoDB is a popular database engine for the MySQL RDBMS. It’s an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has lots of advantages which have made it the preferred engine for numerous script-based web applications, such as Joomla and Magento, which have shifted over to InnoDB for good. For instance, importing immense volumes of data will be much faster with InnoDB, because it locks only one database row to carry out a given task, not the entire database table, which makes the engine perfect for scalable apps. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and database transactions – these refer to the manner in which the information is tackled. Put simply, appending new or modifying existing data will either be fully completed, or will be annulled and the procedure will be rolled back in case a given issue appears during the process, hence the content that remains in the database won’t be lost.

InnoDB in Web Hosting

You will be able to use any open-source script-powered app that requires InnoDB if you have a Linux web hosting package with us, as the database storage engine is available on our innovative cloud website hosting platform as standard. During the app activation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup will proceed flawlessly in case this engine is needed. You can run applications that need the MyISAM engine without having to deal with any difficulty as well and, again, the engine will be pre-selected, so you will not need to update any setting manually at any time. Furthermore, we’ll also perform daily backups of all the databases that you have in your shared account, so in case you delete or overwrite anything, we can quickly get it back to the way it was on any of the past 7 days.